2013/10/15 10:31 am

Is it worth it reading to our children?

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Reading aloud with children is known to be the single most important activity for building the knowledge and skills they will eventually require for learning to read.

Marilyn Jager Adams .

Around 8 years ago, we started reading to our oldest son at bedtime. At that moment my husband and I, better said I was looking for a  way that my oldest son fall asleep more easily because I was expecting my second child.

We knew, my husband and I, it was important to read them and that we would like as they grow up that they love reading. What we were not sure was whether this would work or not.

About three weeks ago, we went as usual to the park. When we finished, my husband decided to go to a small mall that is just across the park. The first store we saw was a bookstore and our kids as soon as they saw said ‘Let’s get in.’ My husband and I said we would walk all the mall first and then would get in.

After a walk we went to the bookstore. Each one was looking the books that they liked. They sat in a chair and start passing the pages. The biggest love old history, by chance at the entrance was a collection of old history books for kids.

My middle son started seeing book after book but no one caught his attention, until he saw Harry Potter. The small saw a chess book that fascinates him.  They all are taking chess class. Each one chose a book. The chess book was quite expensive.  We told the small one that the next day we would go to another bookstore to find another book  a little cheaper. With the condition that if we did not find one we would return.

The next day (Monday), as promised, we went to search the chess book. In this other bookstore, my oldest son saw Hannibal’s biography  and ask us to buy it. As good parents we said «Yesterday we buy you a book. As soon as you read it, we will buy the biography.»

There was only one book and my son was not very happy with that. My kids hid the biography behind all the other biographies. My oldest son is not a fast reader however for Wednesday, of the same week, he finished his book. On Thursday while they were at school I got out and buy Hannibal’s book which fortunately was still hidden.  A promise is a promise.

If you have wondered, Is it worth reading to our kids, even if they are jumping or not paying attention? What my children have taught me is that definitely worth it. The small one is reading his chess book (want to learn more), the middle one is reading Harry Potter (I help him a little bit, he reads a page I read another, the reads two I read two, etc.) and the largest is excited reading the life of his hero,

 What else can I ask!

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