2014/10/09 11:47 am

More Spanish/English to learn

Catalogado en: Noticias

Learning Spanish


More Spanish/English to learn

The concept of opposites is easy for children to grasp when you share this fun-to-read book with them. A menagerie of joyfully illustrated animals, including elephants, monkeys, and turtles, demonstrate the difference between two opposites.

You won t have trouble getting children to appreciate fruits and vegetables with this vividly illustrated learning book in English and Spanish. Each page introduces the reader to a wide range of fresh fruits and vegetables using carefully selected mouthwatering words.

Fun is always in season with this book that teaches children words for different kinds of weather conditions. The wonderfully textured illustrations depict active children enjoying all kinds of weather.

When it comes to the human body, children ought to know their way around the parts. Now therei s a captivating way to introduce children to basic body parts with this English and Spanish learning book featuring beautiful dimensional paper illustrations.

Learning is always in fashion and now you can teach your children the words for different articles of clothing in English and Spanish. This dual language learning book features a diverse cast of boys and girls describing the clothes they wear for their favorite activities.

Numbers come alive with vivid illustrations of iguanas, toucans, turtles, and other creatures carefully chosen to captivate infants and toddlers. The book covers the numbers 1 to 10 and invites the reader to repeat the names in both languages.


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