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The Importance of Safety

There is nothing more Important than a good, safe, secure home. Rosalynn Carter In the last article ‘The Terrible Two, What can we do?’ We talked about the importance of having a childproof home, the idea was that by having Sigue leyendo ⇒

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The Importance of Doin...

Life so that when your children think of fairness and integrity, they think of you. H. Jackson Brown, Jr. A couple of weeks ago we went to the beach together as a family. On the way my husband was very Sigue leyendo ⇒

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The Importance of Taki...

Never have more children than you have car windows. Erma Bombeck   I definitely did not read this in time, because our car has two windows in the back and we have three children – jajajaja. At first no one Sigue leyendo ⇒

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Family Time

If you want your children to turn out well, spend twice as much time with them and half as much Money. Anonymous Many times we want to give our children what we did not have or if we had many Sigue leyendo ⇒

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Kids and Changes

Why is it so hard make my child do changes? Life is a constant change, that is reflected from birth. From children, we change as time passes, from only sleep and do basic needs, we began to crawl, then walk, Sigue leyendo ⇒

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The Terrible Twos. Wha...

Or The Age of Separateness? Last week we talked about the terrible twos or the Age of Separation, we learned that creating an environment that meets the needs of the little ones allow our kids to feel a little more Sigue leyendo ⇒

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The Terrible Twos. Wha...

Or The Age of Separateness? When our kids are small, less than two years, most of the time they promptly do what we ask them to with relative ease. When they reach the terrible twos or the Age of Separation, Sigue leyendo ⇒

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Tips for Mothers ̵...

Why is it so difficult to trim my kid’s nails? I remember when my first son was a baby and had long fingernails, I like to wait until he fall asleep to trim their nails, because when he was awake Sigue leyendo ⇒

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Overdose of Love

How much Love is enough for our kid? According to Virginia Satir, The recommended daily requirement for hugs , is four hugs a day for survival, Gay Hendricks (Conscious Living) tells us that «Love is the antidote to fear» and  Sigue leyendo ⇒

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Our Kids aren’t ...

… And neither do we. I love the quote of Les Brown about perfection because perfection  as Santa Clause does not exist, in the same way the perfect father or mother don’t exist, we are only regular humans who seek Sigue leyendo ⇒

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