2012/11/05 8:48 pm

Overdose of Love

Catalogado en: blog-en

How much Love is enough for our kid?

According to Virginia Satir, The recommended daily requirement for hugs , is four hugs a day for survival, Gay Hendricks (Conscious Living) tells us that «Love is the antidote to fear» and  Deepak Chopra (The Seven Spiritual Laws for Parents) tell us «the spiritual bond with our child is created through touching, hugging, protection, play and attention.

 The recommended daily requirement for hugs is:
four per day for survival,
eight per day for maintenance,
and twelve per day for growth.

-Virginia Satir

What these spiritual experts of the new world and the relationships we make us realize that for spiritual grow  our kids need from  parents a high daily dose of love. Just imagine in my case I must give away 36 hugs a day between my children and of course I have to add 12 more for my husband because although sometimes we do not remember that we adults also need our dose of hugs.

Besides hugs we must add the games, attention, etc. to our kids. With justified reason Ricki Lake said the following «Motherhood is the greatest thing and the hardest thing.» So how do we give our children an overdose of love?

We must take advantage of any opportunity to hug them, if they are happy let’s celebrate with a hug, if they are upset we can give them a hug too. A couple of days ago, my 7 year old son was angry he said he was very upset with his younger brother. I made him sit on my legs, in one of my arms I put his head,  in my other arm his legs, then I said «Ok we need to remove everything that bothers you.»

Then I started to pretend that everything was shaking and asked whether the earthquake had removed the anger, I had to do several rounds, anger was undiminished. Suddenly my other children were angry waiting in line for a small earthquake in my arms. So I solved two problems with a couple of earthquakes, first the fight between brothers stop (at least for a while) and I had the  opportunity to hug them several times. Any excuse is good for hug them and better if it’s fun for our children.

Do I get to deliver myself so many hugs daily? Actually I’ve never counted but I do my best to hug them a lot, my husband loves to hug our sons and luckily the grandparents are also close to hug them. So we can say that it is a team effort, let’s make our best efforts to give our kids a daily overdose of love.

A hug is two hearts wrappend in arms

-Author Unknown

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